Thales’ theorem- Basic proportionality

How would you divide a segment into equal parts ? Yes, you could use a ruler and and make some maths but, you can also use Thales Theorem!

Watch these video and learn how to do it!

How to deal with assignment number 3

1 recortada

2 recortada

We are going to make a 3 way puzzle in groups of 3 students.

Check the measures of each assignment number 2 (they should be the same). If they are not, decide which measures you’re going to use as the must be all of the same size.

You have to divide each drawing in 3 identical parts (3 rectangles). Use the Thales Theorem to divide them!

Now, each one of you is going to make a triangular prism.

The size of the prism is the same as the size of your drawings, plus a little more were you are going to glue it.





Stick the pieces of the drawings to the triangular prism before glueing it! Notice that one piece of your drawing is going to be glued to each prism.



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