Look at our tasks!

1st Assignment – Parallel lines and Moiré effect

We are felling dizzy while observing the Moiré effect! 😉

2nd Assignment – Colouring techniques

We have been learning how to apply different colouring techniques: felt pens, color pencils and soft crayons.

Captura de pantalla 2019-10-09 a las 21.05.49.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-10-09 a las 21.07.08.png

3rd Assignment – Thales’ Theorem

In groups of 3, we are making a 3 sided puzzle using the drawing we made in assignment 2



4th Assignment – Circles

Captura de pantalla 2019-12-03 a las 16.34.05.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-12-03 a las 16.43.37.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-12-03 a las 16.47.57.png

5th assignment- Regular polygons inscribed in circumferences

6th assignment- Eneagon and heptagon. General method

Languages for Values – LOGO

These are the logos that have been selected by the committee. There will be a vote soon in order to select just 3.

7th Assignment: Star Polygons

We have been studying the difference between convex and star polygons. In this assignment, students are drawing all the stars that can be made with 11 points.

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